Monday, December 13, 2010

12-13-12-17 Blog#1

During this year in Online Publishing, I've learned that writing articles isn't completely horrible, if you're writing something interesting to you. Even though I wouldn't start out writing about things I want, it's still a great experience. I've learned a lot more about myself as a writer in this class than in English 9! My writing process involves my making an organizational, messy web of all my ideas that relate to my thesis. This is for a regular essay though. For articles, I usually just start writing and then modify them as I go along. I myself read it over to make sure there aren't any misspellings or sentence errors. Then I have to have someone else look it over because I might have missed something. I personally love writing creative responses that force me to get my creative juices flowing. I love writing stories and using different types of themes. For example, I really liked when we wrote letters from Santa's elves. That made me think more about my inner child and it was really fun to write about. I don't really like writing research papers just because they are really time consuming and they take longer that a week. Well, they could take a week, but you'd have to have all your sources ready. I don't mind some of the topics to write about, but it still can be a little boring. This class has had a huge impact because I really like writing the blogs and some articles. Even though some of the writing material was really general, like "what is art?" or if they were about someone in the class we didn't know, it was still really fun to give opinions, responses, and write stories. This class was such a good environment too. The random jokes that are said in between the class made it more interesting and a lot less serious than just writing on a computer all class. This class was sincerely one of the more fun classes I've taken in High School.

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