Wednesday, December 7, 2011

12-7-11 The Coolest People I Know!

I would have to say that Kathleen Herter would be the number one coolest person I've met. We both love the T.V. show Glee and we both think about life if it was like Glee. For example, in the middle of lunch, people would break out in song. It would probably be the coolest lunch those kids have ever seen. She also just told me probably the funniest story ever about her day at Darien Lake. A person cut her and she started to trip on the back of their shoes and started falling. There were young children around so she quickly chose not to use inappropriate language. Instead, she used the phrase "Oh Chicago!" This was funnier when she told it in person I realize, but that's not the point. The next two coolest people I would have to say are Laura Slojkowski and Madeline Koelbl. We're getting t-shirts with the name "Madelaurber" which is all of our names put together. That's kind of awesome. We are also in each other's classes every day and we have the best conversations. Another super cool person I know is Tara Hammershmidt. We just went to warm up some taco dip for the best class ever, Online Publishing, and we had the best time. We started out by microwaving the taco dip for 5 minutes, and then we decided to sit on the couch in the teachers' lounge and turn on the television. A football game was being replayed and discussed, so Tara and I began stating the differences of the commentators. We also got shocked about thirty times in a matter of ten minutes. It was pretty rough, but completely worth it! Well, that is just a brief list of some of the coolest people I know. There is a lot more people, but this would be a 2000 word blog if I did!


  1. This is a pretty cool blog post about some pretty cool people!

  2. I am honored to be considered in your blog of cool people, Amber!
