Monday, January 3, 2011

1-3-1-7 Blog#2

2011 is going to be a great year. I can just feel the success in just this month. We have exams in just three weeks and thankfully I only have one actual exam to do on Tuesday. The exam is for Trigonometry and I'm kind of excited because I do understand most of the things we learn in class. I'm hoping to get above a 95% because that was my grade on the geometry exam last year. Mrs. Nelson is a great teacher and she pushes us to think further into each part of trigonometry so we understand it and can use it in our everyday life. Other than the Trig exam, I have to present a speech, without any flashcards, about a person of our choice that is of Spanish decent. Oh, we also have to speak for ten minutes on this person while speaking Spanish relatively well. I'm pretty nervous for that day, but I think I will do kind of well. After this very nice and easy year of only two major classes, not including Online Publishing which is one of my major courses plus Trig and Spanish, I'm in for a difficult next year. Next half of the school year I have Chemistry, U.S. History, and English as my major classes and I also have Gym and Chemistry Lab. It's going to be a tough half, but I'm hoping to keep good grades all throughout the year. I am also looking forward to my English class next half with Mr. Currin. The funny part about my schedule is that I have Mr. Currin as a teacher both halves and both times I see him, it's in fourth block. Not only do I get to see Mr. Currin at the end of the day, again, but I also get to see my friends Julie, Jordan, Cindy, and a couple other people in that class as well.

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