Thursday, March 8, 2012


Really? Why would you ever text and drive? People know what can happen and they just do it anyways. It really bothers me. Plus I don't understand how they can text and drive. I mean I have a hard time changing the radio station without swerving. I can't even look at my phone when I'm driving. It's just really annoying when I'm trying to drive peacefully and I see someone not paying attention to the road. In an article recently sent to the class, I read this portion and found it very interesting. "The typical time it took a driver who was not texting to respond to the flashing light was one to two seconds. But when the driver was texting, the reaction time extended to three to four seconds, and the texting motorist was 11 times more likely to miss a flashing light altogether" (Forsyth). Really? This should be proof enough that people should stop texting and driving. My sister, Andi, is probably the worst offenders. She's gotten better, but she was becoming one of those people. So not only does she text while she drives, but she speeds as well. I literally can't be a passenger in her car because I get so nervous. I ask her to stop texting and she pretty much says that she does this all the time and she's really good at it. Really Andi? That's not something to be proud of!I even offer to text for her so she doesn't text, but she claims it's a private conversation. What's so important that you have to text that person right away? I mean you can wait until you get home or to your destination? No text is that important. I don't care if Angelina Jolie texted you saying she wants you to be in her next movie. It's not worth possibly losing your life, or ending someone else' that text would probably be fake.


  1. My favorite line is "plus that text would probably be fake."

    Outstanding blog, Amber!

  2. Thank you Mr. Currin for that comment.
