Monday, October 25, 2010

10-25-10-29 Blog #2

Many questions arise during Block 4, Online Publishing, or the News Room about Ryan Pinkowski's free time. Where does he go that stops him from doing his blogs? What does he do that halts him from completing his articles? Well, it may be hard to comprehend, but Ryan Pinkowski is actually a secret evil villain named "The Pinky Monster." This name does indeed sound like the tickle monster, which is exactly his power. He basically finds each person's most ticklish spot and takes them down from the inside. Pinky has not been caught since he was in sixth grade, which was also when his first attempt in school and it was bound to fail from the start. But Pinky never gave up. He decided that he wouldn't try to tickle people in school since he was caught the first time. After school every day, he jumps in his secret tickle mobile that has green flames and pink and blue feathers surrounding each seat. He then travels to his ultra uber secret lair in his bedroom.
"It's so obvious that no one would expect it" claims Pinky.
When he he finally gets to his room, I mean "lair," he usually takes a quick five hour nap. Then he awakes around 8:30ish and the crime begins. He gets into his red and yellow jumper with blue tights. He speeds away to his tickle mobile and travels to the dark and mysterious streets of Alden. Thankfully there aren't many heroes in Alden so Pinky never gets stopped. His usual tickle attacks average to six people a night. So the answer to the question, "Why does Ryan Pinkowski never do his blogs or articles?" is simply that he needs to tickle the innocent. Surely everyone can understand this.

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