My favorite musical group right now would be Mariana's Trench. I really like that their songs are really uplifting and happy. One of their songs is called "Cross My Heart." It's just one of those songs that makes you get up and sing along with it. Another song that I like from Mariana's Trench is called "All To Myself" and again it's one of those songs where you just want to dance. I would say that my favorite song from Mariana's Trench is called, "Celebrity Status." I love this song because I started to listen to it by watching the music video. The video started with a guy waking up and watching some T.V. Then as each channel goes by, the people in the group seem to be the characters in each commercial and show. The lead singer stars as a spokesperson for K-Mart, a crime scene investigator, and a salesperson. The rest of the group is usually with him in each commercial, but a few are by themselves. Anyways, these songs are all really good and fun to listen to. I, personally, love to listen and think about myself in different instances with the song. I honestly don't think I could survive without my i-pod because I get in my own little world I guess when I listen to my music. I just enjoy thinking about each song and getting taken away in my thoughts. However, sometimes it doesn't work out because people are trying to talk to me and I'm not paying attention because I'm still in my own world of music with Mariana's Trench.
OMG! I love the song Cross My Heart! I know all the words.