My dream job would have to be either teaching High School English or being a crime scene investigator. I know that these professions are extremely different, but I would like the chance to be great at either. I love watching the C.S.I. T.V. shows and I'm really interested in the crime solving and mystery. Unfortunately my dad gave me the trait of fainting at the sight of blood. This trait would kind of hold me back if I was a C.S.I. investigating dead bodies because most are bloody. I thought about being a C.S.I. lab technician, but science isn't really that interesting to me as other subjects are. For example, English has always been one of my stronger subjects and a more enjoyable one for me. When I wanted to have a career in English, the only job I feel that I'd enjoy doing every day would be teaching. Teaching is also a good family job and I am planning on having a family so that
concept also helped my decision. I would rather teach high school students because I believe that kindergarten students would be really cute, but also difficult since they have such wild personalities. Middle school students wouldn't be that bad, but I think High School is a more fun experience. Some high school students have a level of maturity that I would really need. I basically live with four year olds at my house since my mom babysits, and I think that is all of the little children I need for the rest of my life.

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