I would have to say that the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life, so far, is a C.S.I. Las Vegas episode. I don't really like scary movies or scary stories that much, which is why a T.V. show is the creepiest thing that I've seen. Anyways, the episode began with a house, but there is a shadow on all the wall of a man crunched over walking through the house. The camera changes to a bedroom with a woman sleeping. The man creepily sneaks on the bed and pulls out a straight razor and attacks her, but doesn't kill her. The C.S.I. team tried to find fingerprints, shoe impressions, or anything that could lead to the guy, but they couldn't find anything. All they found out was that he had been hiding in the woman's house for a while because they found a dust resistance under the floor in the shape of a body with a zipper and trace of latex. The latex ownership came back to the name "Ian Moone." There were no hits on the computer to the name, but one of the team members figured out that the name was intended to unscramble and say "I am No One."
They concluded that he was living in the attic and always wore a latex body suit. Then the C.S.I team came across another case of a woman with a daughter that was killed with a sharp razor, but had attack wombs before. Then, they found out that before she was attacked, the killer whispered to her, "I know and I'm going to tell everyone." The team then got a D.V.D that showed her having an affair with another guy other than her husband. Then another case came with a paramedic that was a firefighter as well that was killed with a straight razor but was placed under the bed of a crime scene in latex to distract the team so the killer could get away. This paramedic's secret was that he started fires and saved people in them to make him look like a hero. The woman who was just attacked had a secret about her son. He had a very bad disease that put him in a wheelchair and caused him a lot of pain. She decided to push him in the pool one day to put him out of his misery, but the man in latex finally confronted her in her house. He walked very spider-like. He moved with his feet and hands, and squirmed a lot while talking to her. Then he almost killed her with a straight razor (big surprise) until she pulled out a gun and shot him. However, the killer thought she would do that and replaced the bullets with just casings and he got away. The very last thing the killer said was "I am No One."
....peed myself