Respect, to me, would be about that one person you can look up to or just to a certain other person. For example I respect all my friends because I can always count on them and look to them for advice. Another example of a person I respect would be my dad (Da Papa) because he's a person I can look up to for guidance. Each example is different because one is about how I look up to them because of their accomplishments and the other is about how I can depend on them for anything. Even though sometimes Da Papa and I don't agree with everything, I know he loves me and I think he knows I love him. We don't really say we love each other, but we show affection by butting heads and saying "Mer" which I believe is saying "Love you." Sorry my family is really odd but whatever. Anyways, sometimes my friends and I may not talk because one of us is mad at another and they force us to pick sides, but in the end, we resolve everything and end up not picking sides at all. Respect in general means to feel like someone has more experience or the same experience in life as you. For instince a person could be your hero or an athlete that you look up to. This person, like for me, could be a close friend who you've gone through a hard time with or just any special time with.
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