Many questions arise during Block 4, Online Publishing, or the News Room about Ryan Pinkowski's free time. Where does he go that stops him from doing his blogs? What does he do that halts him from completing his articles? Well, it may be hard to comprehend, but Ryan Pinkowski is actually a secret evil villain named "The Pinky Monster." This name does indeed sound like the tickle monster, which is exactly his power. He basically finds each person's most ticklish spot and takes them down from the inside. Pinky has not been caught since he was in sixth grade, which was also when his first attempt in school and it was bound to fail from the start. But Pinky never gave up. He decided that he wouldn't try to tickle people in school since he was caught the first time. After school every day, he jumps in his secret tickle mobile that has green flames and pink and blue feathers surrounding each seat. He then travels to his ultra uber secret lair in his bedroom.
"It's so obvious that no one would expect it" claims Pinky.
When he he finally gets to his room, I mean "lair," he usually takes a quick five hour nap. Then he awakes around 8:30ish and the crime begins. He gets into his red and yellow jumper with blue tights. He speeds away to his tickle mobile and travels to the dark and mysterious streets of Alden. Thankfully there aren't many heroes in Alden so Pinky never gets stopped. His usual tickle attacks average to six people a night. So the answer to the question, "Why does Ryan Pinkowski never do his blogs or articles?" is simply that he needs to tickle the innocent. Surely everyone can understand this.
Monday, October 25, 2010
10-25-10-29 Blog #3

A time in my life when I was injured would have to be this year before school started. I've never broken any part of my body, but I feel like I've gotten pretty close to doing so. Anyways, I was with my friend Connor and my friend Emily at Connor's house. She was having a family party and she invited me and Emily to come. When we were there, we mostly played outside with the volleyball, the basketball, and the soccer ball. Then Connor's cousins came and we started playing soccer since they both played soccer. I was on her little cousin's team and he was probably in third grade and was completely better than anyone there and Connor was on her other cousin, Paul's, team. We were playing two on two for a while and my team was basically destroying Connor's team. Though her little cousin was carrying the team, I contributed a few points.
Then Paul got the ball, and I ran back to be goalie. So I was there, not expecting him to go crazy and kick the ball in warped speed, and of course he did. So me, being an awesome goalie, stopped the ball with my hand, but unfortunately the ball ended up hitting my wrist and pushing it back to my arm. It hurt so bad at that moment, but I stopped Connor's team from scoring. However I had to sit out and my wrist didn't get at all better. It started to swell and I realized that the following week was volleyball tryouts and I got so mad. I iced it everyday for almost an hour each time and then I went to my home dog TK for medical advice during tryouts. Thankfully he wrapped it for the practices and games and now I think I just bruised my wrist, but I am never playing soccer with Connor's cousin Paul ever again!
10-25-10-29 Blog #1
I would say that I look up to my mom. I look up to her the most because she is just awesome. She always looks after me and my sisters and she accepts each of us for who we are and not what we do. She never grounds any of us which is good, and even though she doesn't ground me, she still has a way of making me think about what I do before I do it. Most of the people I know who get grounded don't seem to learn anything from it and just keep getting grounded. My mom also is a pretty darn good cook. As most people know, her cupcakes and every type of food she makes end up gone in three minutes. I can't wait until I grow up and get to make food for my family just like her because there are some seriously good dinners at my house. For example, we have pizza night every Tuesday and taco night every other Wednesday and the rest of the week we get random homemade meals like lasagna and beef tips with mashed potatoes. I also look up to my mom because she does everything in my house and my school. And when I say everything, I legitimately mean everything. She has become the MVP of my volleyball team because she has put together more activities than she has for my old girl scouts group. She has her own fan club in Alden High school called the "Liz Breyer Fan Club." Mr. Currin is the president since she basically raised his son. And my friend Julie and Melissa are the vice presidents and obviously I would be the secretary. I just hope that one day I can be as great a mom as she is to me now.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
10-19-10-22 Blog #3

I would have to say that the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life, so far, is a C.S.I. Las Vegas episode. I don't really like scary movies or scary stories that much, which is why a T.V. show is the creepiest thing that I've seen. Anyways, the episode began with a house, but there is a shadow on all the wall of a man crunched over walking through the house. The camera changes to a bedroom with a woman sleeping. The man creepily sneaks on the bed and pulls out a straight razor and attacks her, but doesn't kill her. The C.S.I. team tried to find fingerprints, shoe impressions, or anything that could lead to the guy, but they couldn't find anything. All they found out was that he had been hiding in the woman's house for a while because they found a dust resistance under the floor in the shape of a body with a zipper and trace of latex. The latex ownership came back to the name "Ian Moone." There were no hits on the computer to the name, but one of the team members figured out that the name was intended to unscramble and say "I am No One."
They concluded that he was living in the attic and always wore a latex body suit. Then the C.S.I team came across another case of a woman with a daughter that was killed with a sharp razor, but had attack wombs before. Then, they found out that before she was attacked, the killer whispered to her, "I know and I'm going to tell everyone." The team then got a D.V.D that showed her having an affair with another guy other than her husband. Then another case came with a paramedic that was a firefighter as well that was killed with a straight razor but was placed under the bed of a crime scene in latex to distract the team so the killer could get away. This paramedic's secret was that he started fires and saved people in them to make him look like a hero. The woman who was just attacked had a secret about her son. He had a very bad disease that put him in a wheelchair and caused him a lot of pain. She decided to push him in the pool one day to put him out of his misery, but the man in latex finally confronted her in her house. He walked very spider-like. He moved with his feet and hands, and squirmed a lot while talking to her. Then he almost killed her with a straight razor (big surprise) until she pulled out a gun and shot him. However, the killer thought she would do that and replaced the bullets with just casings and he got away. The very last thing the killer said was "I am No One."
Monday, October 18, 2010
10-18-10-22 Blog #2
It was a dark, cloudy night when Nate Bailey decided to go outside to play some basktetball outside his house. Even though it was Halloween night, Nate didn't think anything of it. No one every comes to his house to trick-or-treat. It's not like anyone would sneek up on him. Then he heard a noise from the bushes at the end of the driveway.
"Hello? Is anyone there?"
Right as he turned his back to the bush there was another noise, only louder.
"Seriously, this isn't funny."
No matter how much Nate ignored the sound, it just kept getting louder. The noise sounded like a deep male voice saying "Boss." Nate decided to go inside the house and watch some T.V. to get away from the sound. As he sat on the couch and turned the T.V. on, the screen was really blurry. He tried to see what the picture was on the T.V. and eventually he got a signal. When the screen became a little more clear, Nate saw that the picture on the screen was a picture of him in his living room at that very moment, as if there was a video camera taping him. Nate jumped off the couch and ran to his bedroom. He shut the door as quickly as he could and locked the door. He stepped away from the door slowly, but as he walked backwards the noise came back, but it was screaming at him saying "Boss" and a flash of extremely bright lights were in his window. Nate screamed such a high pitch that a girl couldn't even sing it. Then he fell to the ground. As he hit the floor, he just heard a bunch of laughing. When he got up, Tyler and Brian Stodlt were outside his window with a bunch of flashlights, a video camra and a megaphone.
The last thing Tyler said before Nate got up was, "Dude, I'm sorry are you really a girl? Because that scream was way to high for a guy."
"Hello? Is anyone there?"
Right as he turned his back to the bush there was another noise, only louder.
"Seriously, this isn't funny."
No matter how much Nate ignored the sound, it just kept getting louder. The noise sounded like a deep male voice saying "Boss." Nate decided to go inside the house and watch some T.V. to get away from the sound. As he sat on the couch and turned the T.V. on, the screen was really blurry. He tried to see what the picture was on the T.V. and eventually he got a signal. When the screen became a little more clear, Nate saw that the picture on the screen was a picture of him in his living room at that very moment, as if there was a video camera taping him. Nate jumped off the couch and ran to his bedroom. He shut the door as quickly as he could and locked the door. He stepped away from the door slowly, but as he walked backwards the noise came back, but it was screaming at him saying "Boss" and a flash of extremely bright lights were in his window. Nate screamed such a high pitch that a girl couldn't even sing it. Then he fell to the ground. As he hit the floor, he just heard a bunch of laughing. When he got up, Tyler and Brian Stodlt were outside his window with a bunch of flashlights, a video camra and a megaphone.
The last thing Tyler said before Nate got up was, "Dude, I'm sorry are you really a girl? Because that scream was way to high for a guy."
10-18-10-22 Blog #1
I wouldn't know how to answer this question because I don't really know Nate Bailey. He interviewed me for a blog once, and apparently I had a look in my eye that meant I couldn't believe that he was interviewing me. Then he had to pinch me to remind me we were in an interview. I don't remember that happening, but the again I don't remember what I had for dinner last night. So I guess I would have to say that Nate Bailey is, and isn't the boss. I believe "the boss" is someone who is in charge, or in control of something. Being the boss means owning something as an action. For example, Mr. Ryan is the boss of Mr. Currin. A different example for being the boss would be being good at a sport or having a talent. In Nate Bailey's case, he is very good at football, but isn't really in charge of it. The quarterback, I think, would be in charge because they decide where the ball goes and who it goes to. However, being a receiver is a hard task, and Nate does a really good job doing that which is why most people call him the boss. But I wouldn't say that he is the one who is in control of every play. Either the quarterback or the coach would be in charge of deciding each play. I don't want to break Nate Bailey's character, but I'm just saying that this question can go two ways, but it depends on how the person knows Nate Bailey. I mean someone who doesn't know Nate at all could think he's just a jock, but a person closer to him might see him in a different way.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
10-14-10-15 Blog #3

My favorite musical group right now would be Mariana's Trench. I really like that their songs are really uplifting and happy. One of their songs is called "Cross My Heart." It's just one of those songs that makes you get up and sing along with it. Another song that I like from Mariana's Trench is called "All To Myself" and again it's one of those songs where you just want to dance. I would say that my favorite song from Mariana's Trench is called, "Celebrity Status." I love this song because I started to listen to it by watching the music video. The video started with a guy waking up and watching some T.V. Then as each channel goes by, the people in the group seem to be the characters in each commercial and show. The lead singer stars as a spokesperson for K-Mart, a crime scene investigator, and a salesperson. The rest of the group is usually with him in each commercial, but a few are by themselves. Anyways, these songs are all really good and fun to listen to. I, personally, love to listen and think about myself in different instances with the song. I honestly don't think I could survive without my i-pod because I get in my own little world I guess when I listen to my music. I just enjoy thinking about each song and getting taken away in my thoughts. However, sometimes it doesn't work out because people are trying to talk to me and I'm not paying attention because I'm still in my own world of music with Mariana's Trench.
10-14-10-15 Blog#2
I would have to say that my favorite class right now is Online Publishing with Mr. Currin. When he comes into class everyday yelling, "Best Class Ever," he really means it. It's also very exciting when he spits on me and Alyssa while speaking. Most people would oppose to that and get very disgusted and angry, but not me! Obviously, we have better self-control. Anyways, back to the point, my favorite part about this class is that we always laugh at one point in the day, which is really encouraging. I also enjoy writing creative stories, and sometimes more serious works, like articles. I never really thought writing articles was fun, but now I see that it is pretty exciting to work in a News Room. Though I wouldn't want to actually work in a News Room to be a journalist, since it's so hectic, it's a nice experience. Plus I enjoy all the people in this class because it's a plethora of personalities. Each person has their own unique way of making others laugh, which is important in the best class ever, to me. The teacher, Mr. Currin, for Online Publishing is pretty good, but just needs to work on his excessive salivary glands. Other than that, he's a very positive teacher, and always makes this class more fun than the day before. I also think I like this course because I want to be an English major, so this class really helps me with my writing skills and it helps my creative abilities.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
10-12-10-15 Blog #1

The best meal I've ever had would have to be at Ted's Hot dogs. However, instead of their hot dogs, my favorite meal consists of their cheeseburgers. I always have my burger with ketchup, mustard and onions. The workers at Ted's seem to know exactly how much of each condiment I like on my cheeseburger. I've never liked a lot of ketchup on anything I eat, and I prefer the mustard to be a little more than the ketchup portion, but I always need the onions to overflow for some reason. I don't even like onions with a lot of food, but the Ted's has a way of just placing the onions so perfectly on the cheese that makes it taste ten times more delicious as usual.
The other factors of my best meal ever consist of fries, a bite of my mom's hot dog and a vanilla milkshake. The fries that Ted's make seem so greasy, but they are too good to resist, especially when you have fries with a little cup of ketchup. Then my mom orders a hot dog with a lot of extra "flare" as she calls it. She gets a hot dog with ketchup, onions, mustard, pickles, and the chili at Ted's. I don't think I could finish it by myself, but it's nice just to have a bite, and then cool down with a mouthwatering milkshake. My mom and I usually get one vanilla and one chocolate milkshake, so we can sample each milkshake, just to make sure they're still delicious.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
10-4-10-8 Movie #3 (blog #3)

In the movie, Troy, Orlando Bloom, Eric Bana, and Brad Pitt, star as Paris and Hector of Troy and the greatest warrior ever, Achilles. This film begins with the beginning of a battle between the Greeks and Thessaly. In single combat, Achilles takes down the largest warrior from Thessaly, Boagrius. Achilles main goal is not to destroy other nations, but to have his name remembered for years and years. Achilles, half-god, fights with King Agamemnon, but not for him, and adds Thessaly to the Greek nation.
Meanwhile, The King of Troy Prium sends his two sons, Paris and Hector, to make peace with the Spartans. However, on the way back to Troy from Sparta, Hector finds out that Paris has fallen for Helen, or King Menelaus of Sparta's wife, and has taken her from Sparta without anyone knowing. Menelaus seeks help from Sparta's ally, the Greeks and King Agamemnon to get Helen back. This dispute between two men becomes a war between nations. At one point, King Menelaus and the army of the Greeks go to Troy to challenge Paris for Helen. Menelaus obviously begins to conquer the combat, but as Paris crawls to the feet of his brother, Hector, he pleads for the fight to be over. As Menelaus is about to strike Paris, Hector quickly, and skillfully, kills Menelaus and triggers the battle. Luckily, Troy's archers kill many of the Greek warriors and the rest of the Trojans push towards the Greeks. King Agamemnon is forced to retreat, but some of the Trojans follow. Then Hector demands all of Troy's army to fall back to Troy or they would be in the range of the Greeks archers.
Many other battles are fought between Troy and the Greeks. In one of the battles, Troy's most fearsome soldier, Hector kills Achilles' cousin Patrcoclus, thinking it was Achilles. Once Achilles finds out about his cousin's death, he goes to the walls of Troy and calls for Hector. Hector emerges and they fight to the death. Achilles ends up stabbing Hector, thus killing him, and dragging his body all around Troy. After this, King Prium of Troy asks for Hectors body so he can endure a proper funeral. Achilles allows this and gives 12 days of peace for their loss. However, the Greek soldier, Odysseus, has a plan to give the Trojans a very large surprise. But you'd have to see this movie to find out the secret to this Trojan Horse.
Monday, October 4, 2010
10-4-10-8 Movie #2 (blog #2)

Amanda Bynes stars in the movie, She's the Man. This hilarious film is about a young soccer player, named Viola Hastings, whose life is based on playing soccer. Even though her mother always wanted her to be a debutant, Viola pushed and pushed to play soccer. But when her team gets cut from the high school team at Cornwall, she asks if she can play for the boys' soccer team. Once she's refused by their coach and team, she decides to go in disguise and play for Cornwall's rival, Illyria.
Viola's brother, Sebastian, was supposed to attend Illyria, but decides to secretly go to London with his band. So Viola goes to Illyria disguised as Sebastian, meets her roomate and teammate, Duke Orsino, and makes the boys' soccer team, but as a second-string player(not a starter). Viola must switch from Sebastian to Viola many times throughout the movie. For example, her mom hosts a carnival and expects her to be there to work, and her soccer teammates are also going to the carnival, but they expect "Sebastian" to be there. With the help of her three friends, Kia, Yvonne, and Paul, she is able to get through the carnival, but it gets increasingly harder for her to keep their secret.
As the movie goes on, Viola, or "Sebastian," and Duke become very close, Duke's dream-girl, Olivia, falls for "Sebastion," and one of the most intense, and oddest, soccer game anyone could see takes place. To fully understand these events, you'll have to see this movie, and it's definitely worth-it!
10-4-10-8 Movie #1 (blog #1)

I'd have to say one of my favorite movies is Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. This movie takes place in a little town called Swallow Falls. The town was famous for its sardines, until everyone realized sardines aren't that good. Now every person in that community has no choice but to eat the rest of the sardines. The main character is a young inventor named Flint Lockwood. Most of his inventions never work, and his father never approved of his inventing way of life. Throughout this movie, Flint not only tries to win acceptance from his father, but the whole town as well. His most recent invention converts water into food. Accidently, Flint ends up shooting the invention in the sky and losing it. Then he finds a way to control the machine and has the power to make any type of food he wants out of the rain. The rest of the movie is too good to tell through a blog, so you'll have to see it to find out what happens.
The main reason why I like this movie is the comedy. Most of the jokes are very random, but they just get me laughing, and I can never stop laughing once I remember them.
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