Obviously, many of you know that Bill Penny is the Bulldog's lead reporter and writes the "Teacher Feature" column at The Bulldog student newspaper. Fortunately, Bill Penny had time to share a few facts about himself before pursuing yet another life threatening article story. When faced with the question relating to his favorite dinosaur, he responded with "Pass, next question." I realized this was a normal response because that question was pretty challenging, so I moved on the next question which was "What do you want to be or where do you want to go after high school?" Bill Penny then responded yet again with, "Pass, next question." This confused me and made me wonder if Bill Penny was going to answer any of my questions. When I confronted him about this he became very defensive and almost threw a chair at another interviewing group of reporters. I got a little scared, but after about ten minutes he calmed down. Then I asked him if he had a best friend, and he replied Gavin Laben because he was the first person Bill met when he came to Alden. Gavin also lives across the street from Bill Penny, which adds to their friendship bond. Now I don't want to confuse anyone and make them think that Gavin is Bill Penny's only friend. Bill Penny has multiple friends, but has Gavin as his best friend. Now that that's cleared up, I asked what his favorite subject is in school and why. Bill answered math class, but only algebra, like mental math. I thought to myself that math includes other components like trigonometry and geometry, but Bill Penny added that algebra was the only part he enjoyed because he is good at it. Then after this debate on mathematics, I asked the question "What is your favorite song/ band right now?" He replied the band Avett Brothers was the "bee's knee's" and his favorite song was "Laundry Room" because it is good. This was the last of the questions I asked Bill Penny, so I went back to the first two questions. After asking the first question about dinosaurs for a second time, Bill Penny answered, "Pass, next question" once again, and I got a little nervous. I asked the question about what he wants to be for a second time, and I surprisingly got a calm response. Bill wants to be an accountant in the future, but plans on taking the first year off. Once this question went over smoothly, I tried asking the dinosaur question for a third time. After about three minutes of deep thought, he finally replied, "Pterodactyl" because everyone thinks it's a bird, but it's really a dinosaur. I have to be honest in saying that this interview had to be the most productive interview I've ever encountered and it made me understand Bill Penny a lot more.
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