Okay so I spent the entire class Wednesday trying to think of an embarrassing moment, but I just couldn't come up with a quality one. But thank goodness I went to the Sabres game that day, or else the most embarrassing moment of my life wouldn't have occurred. By the way, the Sabres won the game in overtime, no big deal. Anyways, the setting was Washington street, next to a random building which I don't know the name of. There was also a lovely aroma in the air. At first I thought it was the smell of Honey Nut Cheerios, but my dad mentioned Lucky Charms and I quickly changed my mind. Although this has nothing to do with what happened, I felt it needed to be said. Anyways, back to the embarrassing story. My dad and I were speed walking down the street, and there were a few people behind us, but not super close. So as we were walking, I get the awesome idea (at the time it was more awesome) to Hardcore Parkoure on the side of the building. For those who don't know what Hardcore Parkoure is, it was on the T.V. show The Office, although it was known before The Office. it's where the main purpose is to move from place to place by vaulting, rolling, running, climbing, and jumping on walls, buildings, or any place that is impossible for people to climb. This makes these Parkourers pretty hardcore, thus the Hardcore Parkour. Now I'm not a legitimate Parkourer. I'm The Office version of a Parkourer, where I just jump off walls and reach a maximum height of like nineteen inches. Anyways, I chose to do this off the building my dad and I were walking by. So I jump off the wall that's to my left and I say "HARDCORE PARKOUR" relatively loud. However, as I begin to land on my right foot, my sprained ankle from volleyball came back to haunt me and it completely gave out, and I pulled an "Austin Hopcia" and fell completely on my side. It wasn't even that awkward until the people who were walking behind us came up and were like, "Oh my gosh are you okay?" and I literally sprang up and speed walked away saying "Um, I'm fine..." Then my dad started laughing hysterically. It was pretty embarrassing, but it does make a good memory!
This just kills me. Every time. Hilarious!!!!
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