Friday, March 30, 2012
N1- SPRING into Spring!
Well, although spring isn't my favorite season, it is definitely a nice break from the freezing cold weather we endure during the winter. I cannot explain how much I hate the cold weather. It's nice at the beginning of winter, before Christmas that is, but after that it should just skip to beautiful weather. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen so we'll just have to deal with this transition into warm or cold weather. Anyways I like spring because it gets to be nice enough weather where I can change my outfits up a little more than wearing hoodies and sweatpants. I can actually wear shorts or jeans for once in my life. Also, spring occurs throughout May. Actually, spring goes from March 20th or 21st to June 20th or 21st and summer goes until September 21st. Mr. Currin revealed that this is how he can get away with telling people his birthday is during the summer, when in actuality, it's September 15th. I'm sorry, I'm not very motivated right now and I'm putting random facts on this blog because I can't think of anything else to write about spring. I think the reason I'm not focused is because Justin Bieber is being talked about because of his new song "Boyfriend." It's actually really good and I think I might purchase it on the itunes. I also think that the chorus sounds similar to Justin Timberlake, whom I love. Anyways, I also think I'm distracted by the Macbeth video being shown with Jordan Hall trying to show that he's paying attention, when he really isn't. I also am distracted by the Dodgeball tournament that is occurring today at 5:30. I think its going to be pretty exciting because the teams are all very good. Honestly I hope the Freshman class wins because they are the underdogs and I think that would be hilarious if they won.
Monday, March 26, 2012
N2- Interview with Bill Penny
Obviously, many of you know that Bill Penny is the Bulldog's lead reporter and writes the "Teacher Feature" column at The Bulldog student newspaper. Fortunately, Bill Penny had time to share a few facts about himself before pursuing yet another life threatening article story. When faced with the question relating to his favorite dinosaur, he responded with "Pass, next question." I realized this was a normal response because that question was pretty challenging, so I moved on the next question which was "What do you want to be or where do you want to go after high school?" Bill Penny then responded yet again with, "Pass, next question." This confused me and made me wonder if Bill Penny was going to answer any of my questions. When I confronted him about this he became very defensive and almost threw a chair at another interviewing group of reporters. I got a little scared, but after about ten minutes he calmed down. Then I asked him if he had a best friend, and he replied Gavin Laben because he was the first person Bill met when he came to Alden. Gavin also lives across the street from Bill Penny, which adds to their friendship bond. Now I don't want to confuse anyone and make them think that Gavin is Bill Penny's only friend. Bill Penny has multiple friends, but has Gavin as his best friend. Now that that's cleared up, I asked what his favorite subject is in school and why. Bill answered math class, but only algebra, like mental math. I thought to myself that math includes other components like trigonometry and geometry, but Bill Penny added that algebra was the only part he enjoyed because he is good at it. Then after this debate on mathematics, I asked the question "What is your favorite song/ band right now?" He replied the band Avett Brothers was the "bee's knee's" and his favorite song was "Laundry Room" because it is good. This was the last of the questions I asked Bill Penny, so I went back to the first two questions. After asking the first question about dinosaurs for a second time, Bill Penny answered, "Pass, next question" once again, and I got a little nervous. I asked the question about what he wants to be for a second time, and I surprisingly got a calm response. Bill wants to be an accountant in the future, but plans on taking the first year off. Once this question went over smoothly, I tried asking the dinosaur question for a third time. After about three minutes of deep thought, he finally replied, "Pterodactyl" because everyone thinks it's a bird, but it's really a dinosaur. I have to be honest in saying that this interview had to be the most productive interview I've ever encountered and it made me understand Bill Penny a lot more.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Really? Why would you ever text and drive? People know what can happen and they just do it anyways. It really bothers me. Plus I don't understand how they can text and drive. I mean I have a hard time changing the radio station without swerving. I can't even look at my phone when I'm driving. It's just really annoying when I'm trying to drive peacefully and I see someone not paying attention to the road. In an article recently sent to the class, I read this portion and found it very interesting. "The typical time it took a driver who was not texting to respond to the flashing light was one to two seconds. But when the driver was texting, the reaction time extended to three to four seconds, and the texting motorist was 11 times more likely to miss a flashing light altogether" (Forsyth). Really? This should be proof enough that people should stop texting and driving. My sister, Andi, is probably the worst offenders. She's gotten better, but she was becoming one of those people. So not only does she text while she drives, but she speeds as well. I literally can't be a passenger in her car because I get so nervous. I ask her to stop texting and she pretty much says that she does this all the time and she's really good at it. Really Andi? That's not something to be proud of!I even offer to text for her so she doesn't text, but she claims it's a private conversation. What's so important that you have to text that person right away? I mean you can wait until you get home or to your destination? No text is that important. I don't care if Angelina Jolie texted you saying she wants you to be in her next movie. It's not worth possibly losing your life, or ending someone else' that text would probably be fake.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
M2- Sooooo Embarrassed!

Okay so I spent the entire class Wednesday trying to think of an embarrassing moment, but I just couldn't come up with a quality one. But thank goodness I went to the Sabres game that day, or else the most embarrassing moment of my life wouldn't have occurred. By the way, the Sabres won the game in overtime, no big deal. Anyways, the setting was Washington street, next to a random building which I don't know the name of. There was also a lovely aroma in the air. At first I thought it was the smell of Honey Nut Cheerios, but my dad mentioned Lucky Charms and I quickly changed my mind. Although this has nothing to do with what happened, I felt it needed to be said. Anyways, back to the embarrassing story. My dad and I were speed walking down the street, and there were a few people behind us, but not super close. So as we were walking, I get the awesome idea (at the time it was more awesome) to Hardcore Parkoure on the side of the building. For those who don't know what Hardcore Parkoure is, it was on the T.V. show The Office, although it was known before The Office. it's where the main purpose is to move from place to place by vaulting, rolling, running, climbing, and jumping on walls, buildings, or any place that is impossible for people to climb. This makes these Parkourers pretty hardcore, thus the Hardcore Parkour. Now I'm not a legitimate Parkourer. I'm The Office version of a Parkourer, where I just jump off walls and reach a maximum height of like nineteen inches. Anyways, I chose to do this off the building my dad and I were walking by. So I jump off the wall that's to my left and I say "HARDCORE PARKOUR" relatively loud. However, as I begin to land on my right foot, my sprained ankle from volleyball came back to haunt me and it completely gave out, and I pulled an "Austin Hopcia" and fell completely on my side. It wasn't even that awkward until the people who were walking behind us came up and were like, "Oh my gosh are you okay?" and I literally sprang up and speed walked away saying "Um, I'm fine..." Then my dad started laughing hysterically. It was pretty embarrassing, but it does make a good memory!
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