My favorite book, so far, is my outside reading book for A.P. English which was Pride and Prejudice. The majority of my friends read this book and told me that it was very good. I thought it was so different and enjoyable that my friend Sarah Mye and myself decided to rent the movie and watch it together since we both read the book for the first time. The movie was so close to the book, which usually isn't the case. The book was a little difficult to read at first, but once I began to read more into the words and into the story, I became really engulphed in the novel. This book is about a family with five daughters that need to be married to ensure a good future. Most women at this time would only marry rich men, so they know that they will be taken care of. However, a young girl named Elizabeth Bennet seems to want more out of a relationship: love. This is very rare to find in these times because most women only want to marry for riches. Elizabeth's sister, Jane, seems to find the perfect man who she falls in love with. He is also extremely wealthy, which just adds to the attraction. However, their relationship became very unclear in the middle of the novel. Elizabeth also starts out with a confusing affiliation with a wealthy man, Mr. Darcy. Their relationship shifts back and forth throughout the entire novel. There is some irony in the title and novel because Elizabeth judges Mr. Darcy based on other people's lies, which is, dare I say, prejudice. I don't want to ruin the story for everyone because it is a really great book. If you love to read about the romance and the difficulties of marriage in early times, then this book is a great option.
Sounds like a book I would be interested in readig. I will have to make a stop to the library because I have been searching for a good book.