This week, I've decided to write my choice blog on the big issue on when Christmas music should be played. I've spoken to several people about this subject, and the answers were all pretty similar in response. There was a total of eleven people I talked to about this subject. When I spoke with my family members about this topic, they all pretty much agreed that playing Christmas music in November, before Thanksgiving, is way too early. My sister, Allison, however disagreed very strongly with my mom, dad, and other sister. Despite her attempts in swaying them towards the idea of Christmas music being played prior to Thanksgiving, they wouldn’t budge on this sensitive issue. My mother, Liz Breyer, thinks that Christmas music should only be played the month of December. My father, Jim Breyer, thinks that it should only be played the day of Christmas, but he is kind of a Grinch. Just kidding Papa! Anyways, my other sister, Andi Breyer, agrees with my mom. Then, outside my family, I talked to Jordan Hall, Julie Fetzer, and Sarah Mye. All these people agree that Christmas music takes away the holiday of Thanksgiving, which is why it should begin playing afterwards. Jordan Hall became very in depth with this subject when I interviewed him, which did sell his point across, but mostly just confused me. After I talked to the three previous people, I talked with four of my coworkers in the Newsroom, Laura Slojkowski, Madeline Koelbl, Brian Stoldt, and Kathleen Herter. Brian made the point to say that there has to be snow on the ground for Christmas music to play. When I brought up the possibility that it might not snow some places, like Hawaii, he got very upset and heated over this subject. He began raging on and started to flip a table over. I didn't mean for the conversation to get that out of hand. It must have been some leftover feelings about that game of target ball last year. I can't be sure. Anyways, ten out of eleven people believe that November is too early to begin playing Christmas music, unless it's after Thanksgiving with the point that this music takes away from Thanksgiving, or they are still in "Halloween mode" since it is still the fall season. I do agree with all these points made about Christmas and Thanksgiving. I believe Thanksgiving is very neglected as a holiday, but when I asked these interviewed people if they like Christmas music, they all replied "yes." Then when I asked them if they thought this music was the happiest music they can listen too, all of them but three said "yes." The three that said no were my dad, my sister Andi, and Brian Stoldt. My dad has no emotion, so he doesn't feel happy with any music. My sister is a suck-up to my dad so she just agrees with whatever he says, and Brian claims that "It's definitely up there," "It" being Christmas music. My point about Christmas music is simply that it's the happiest time of the year, with the happiest music played, so why wouldn't we want to listen to this music two months rather than just one month after Thanksgiving? I understand the points made by these people, but I have to agree with my sister that it's okay Christmas music is being played early in November. Both Allison and I have also watched the movies, "Elf" and "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" already and we are not ashamed!
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