This past 2010 year was a very long and fun year. I was a lot more supportive and helpful to my junior class. I ran for office, but unfortunately lost. I don't mind though because this current vice president is good too and he deserved to win. Even though I lost that office, I still help out with fundraisers and other occasions. The float meetings I went to were really fun too. I also helped out at the hallway decorating for homecoming and that was right after a volleyball game. It may have been a little disgusting that I was there with a couple other players sweating, but it was worth it because we won that game and got to help out the class. Anyways another
accomplishment I made through the year 2010 was that I made captain of the varsity volleyball team. This was my first year as a captain since last year I was only a sophomore when I made varsity. I was chosen by my teammates that made the varsity team. It was really rewarding and exciting when I found out that I made captain. It was pretty stealth-like when coach told me too because both the J.V. and Varsity teams were all in a circle and we were going to share something about our big and little sisters (Big sisters were on Varsity and little sisters were on J.V.). So coach started out saying "O.K. Let's here from our first Varsity captain, Amber Breyer." I was so pumped at that time. I jumped up and just yelled "YEA!" It was so much fun being a captain because I hosted spaghetti dinners and I offered suggestions like making shirts and dedicating a game to breast cancer awareness. It was such a great year and I'm a little upset that It's over, but I'm looking forward to 2011!

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