Social networking has impacted my life in many ways. I'm usually on the fence half the time about Facebook, or the Book, but I don't like Myspace or Twitter. Myspace is just to open. At least on the Book you can choose for only your friends to see your profile. Whenever I hear about Myspace from
my friends, they all say that there is this person who they don't know that keeps talking to them through Myspace. I think that would be really creepy. Myspace also asks for your address and a bunch of your information. On the Book you can choose not to show your personal information like an email or a phone number. Then there's Twitter. Twitter is just when you write what you are doing at that moment you're on. At least on the Book you can have pictures and games. Twitter seems like whenever someone goes on, all they do is post a comment and look at other people's comments on their own life. Sometimes I doubt the Book even though I have one. It's just that most people are on, but some people I know just don't want people creeping on their the Book or the Book stalking. This isn't the literal meaning of stalking. It simply means that some people that Book stalk look at other people's profile and just look through their pictures. Usually people Book stalk to know about people their friends know. I admit that I've Book stalked. I don't think it really is a big deal. It just confuses me when people spend all after school to go on the Book. That is a little ridiculous. And then they all complain that they never have time to finish their homework after school. I don't know. I, personally, do my homework right when I get home because I hate knowing that you have something to do and you end up having to do it during school, the day it's due. I'd rather know I'm done with it and relieve myself of all the stress.

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