Tuesday, January 11, 2011
1-11-1-14 Blog#3
My chorus class this year with Mr. Buscemi has definitely been an exciting time. The first day we started singing and none of us really expected to but we still had to do it. As the time went on through the year, we sang songs mostly about God. I don't know why we do, but the majority of our songs have to do with Jesus or God's will. I know it's pretty exciting, but we have to do it to get a good grade. We also sang a song called Wade in the Water. This song kind of makes me think about slaves. If you heard it for an entire first half of the year, you'd understand why. Of course that song has to do with God troubling water. Then we sang this song called The Echo Song. Really original I know. It was performed basically like an echo. A bunch of students would be group one and the other half would be group two. The first group would sing a line, then the second group would cut in the middle of the line and start singing the same line like an echo. I actually liked this song the best out of all my chorus songs because I really liked the effect it had. This was also one of the few songs that didn't have God in any of the lines. I have nothing against God being in our songs, but when it gets to be every song we sing has his name in the lyrics, then it gets a little old. Anyway, we already had our chorus concert, so at the end of the half we just sit in the room and watch movies that are musicals. Today was probably the best movie we every could have watched. Raise Your Voice with Hilary Duff! I was probably the most excited person in the room when I realized it. Then people would keep interupting Hilary Duff by making fun of her or somthing like that. So all I would say was, "Make fun of Hilary Duff again and see what happens." Obviously those people were intimidated by me and stopped, but I still thought it was rude. I mean Hilary Duff took all this time to make such a great movie for us and people aren't even listening. Though she is making tons of money off it, those people still had no right.
Monday, January 10, 2011
1-10-1-14 Blog#2

My Super Bowl Sunday consists of my Auntie Debbie cooking a bunch of food at her house and my family comes over and we all eat. My Aunt even pulls up a table right in front of the T.V. Then we all congregate and eat her delicious food and watch the game. Last year was so much fun because it was around the same time when my Aunt got her puppy, Bocce. He was so cute as a little puppy. He was also nuts as a puppy and still is. So he was a little, tiny ball of fun. Anyways I loved watching it. I don't know if you'll believe this, but I actually didn't watch the Super Bowl two years ago. It was really depressing. But I loved last years because the New Orleans Saints won! My favorite team is obviously the Bills, but unfortunately they didn't make it this year so I have to like the Saints. My favorite player on the Saints has to be Drew Brees. He's such a good quarterback and he helped rebuild New Orleans. Ellen DeGeneres also has his jersey in her studio because she's from New Orleans so she loves the Saints football team. And I love watching her show so I've grown on the Saints. I actually just went to my friends cousins birthday party and someone who I didn't know had a Drew Brees jersey on and I was really jealous. Anyways I'm really excited about this year because we got a new H.D. T.V. and It's probably the coolest thing in my life right now. It has its own set for football programs. It makes the picture easier to see all the technical things. It's not super impressive, but can a regualr non-H.D. T.V. do that? I believe the answer is no.
1-10-1-14 Blog#1
Social networking has impacted my life in many ways. I'm usually on the fence half the time about Facebook, or the Book, but I don't like Myspace or Twitter. Myspace is just to open. At least on the Book you can choose for only your friends to see your profile. Whenever I hear about Myspace from
my friends, they all say that there is this person who they don't know that keeps talking to them through Myspace. I think that would be really creepy. Myspace also asks for your address and a bunch of your information. On the Book you can choose not to show your personal information like an email or a phone number. Then there's Twitter. Twitter is just when you write what you are doing at that moment you're on. At least on the Book you can have pictures and games. Twitter seems like whenever someone goes on, all they do is post a comment and look at other people's comments on their own life. Sometimes I doubt the Book even though I have one. It's just that most people are on, but some people I know just don't want people creeping on their the Book or the Book stalking. This isn't the literal meaning of stalking. It simply means that some people that Book stalk look at other people's profile and just look through their pictures. Usually people Book stalk to know about people their friends know. I admit that I've Book stalked. I don't think it really is a big deal. It just confuses me when people spend all after school to go on the Book. That is a little ridiculous. And then they all complain that they never have time to finish their homework after school. I don't know. I, personally, do my homework right when I get home because I hate knowing that you have something to do and you end up having to do it during school, the day it's due. I'd rather know I'm done with it and relieve myself of all the stress.

Monday, January 3, 2011
1-3-1-7 Blog#3
For this third blog I think I'm going to write about my Christmas break, but not really Christmas. I just want to talk about what happened after Christmas. Well I think it was the Sunday after Christmas when me, My sisters Alli and Andi, and Alli's boyfriend Jared, went to the Bills game. We also tailgated with the Delzers before the game. Me and Andi arrived earlier than Alli and Jared. It was really fun even though it was freezing cold. We actually all had to crowd around a barrel of fire to keep warm. There was a bunch of food there like breakfast pizza and potatoes from the grill and egg sandwiches. After the tailgating was getting put away, Alli and Jared finally show up. We walked in to the stadium and realized our dad gave us the nice heated seats below the box seats. They weren't that warm, but they were covered by the box so we didn't get snowed on. It was going pretty well since the Bills got three points off a field goal, until the other team started getting a couple touchdowns. However, I was more distracted by Alli not feeling well. She was crouched over telling us she didn't feel well at all. We were worried and out of no where she voms(vomits) on the seat in front of her. Luckily there weren't a lot of people around us so it wasn't that big of a deal. While Alli and Andi were going in to the bathroom, I stayed back with Jared since he'd never been to a Bills game because he lives in Albany. Anyways there was this girl who was complaining about Alli voming because of drinking. Alli didn't have anything to drink before the game so that lady was just annoying us. Plus there are probably like eighty people a game that get sick so this lady was coming into the game knowing someone might vom. As Andi walked by she told the lady that she (the lady) didn't even know what happened. Then after Andi left the lady kept complaining and I mumbled under my breath, "Wow, shut up" which I know was kind of rude, but if you heard this lady complain, you'd understand. So then the lady turned to me and was like, "Did you say something?" so I may have yelled a little bit and just said, "I wasn't talking to you!" I felt kind of bad afterwards and I thought of apologizing, but that just didn't make any sense since I kind of yelled at her. The good news is that we left early from the game so Alli could get home and that lady didn't say anything after I "spoke" to her.
1-3-1-7 Blog#2
2011 is going to be a great year. I can just feel the success in just this month. We have exams in just three weeks and thankfully I only have one actual exam to do on Tuesday. The exam is for Trigonometry and I'm kind of excited because I do understand most of the things we learn in class. I'm hoping to get above a 95% because that was my grade on the geometry exam last year. Mrs. Nelson is a great teacher and she pushes us to think further into each part of trigonometry so we understand it and can use it in our everyday life. Other than the Trig exam, I have to present a speech, without any flashcards, about a person of our choice that is of Spanish decent. Oh, we also have to speak for ten minutes on this person while speaking Spanish relatively well. I'm pretty nervous for that day, but I think I will do kind of well. After this very nice and easy year of only two major classes, not including Online Publishing which is one of my major courses plus Trig and Spanish, I'm in for a difficult next year. Next half of the school year I have Chemistry, U.S. History, and English as my major classes and I also have Gym and Chemistry Lab. It's going to be a tough half, but I'm hoping to keep good grades all throughout the year. I am also looking forward to my English class next half with Mr. Currin. The funny part about my schedule is that I have Mr. Currin as a teacher both halves and both times I see him, it's in fourth block. Not only do I get to see Mr. Currin at the end of the day, again, but I also get to see my friends Julie, Jordan, Cindy, and a couple other people in that class as well.
1-3-1-7 Blog#1
This past 2010 year was a very long and fun year. I was a lot more supportive and helpful to my junior class. I ran for office, but unfortunately lost. I don't mind though because this current vice president is good too and he deserved to win. Even though I lost that office, I still help out with fundraisers and other occasions. The float meetings I went to were really fun too. I also helped out at the hallway decorating for homecoming and that was right after a volleyball game. It may have been a little disgusting that I was there with a couple other players sweating, but it was worth it because we won that game and got to help out the class. Anyways another
accomplishment I made through the year 2010 was that I made captain of the varsity volleyball team. This was my first year as a captain since last year I was only a sophomore when I made varsity. I was chosen by my teammates that made the varsity team. It was really rewarding and exciting when I found out that I made captain. It was pretty stealth-like when coach told me too because both the J.V. and Varsity teams were all in a circle and we were going to share something about our big and little sisters (Big sisters were on Varsity and little sisters were on J.V.). So coach started out saying "O.K. Let's here from our first Varsity captain, Amber Breyer." I was so pumped at that time. I jumped up and just yelled "YEA!" It was so much fun being a captain because I hosted spaghetti dinners and I offered suggestions like making shirts and dedicating a game to breast cancer awareness. It was such a great year and I'm a little upset that It's over, but I'm looking forward to 2011!

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