My favorite childhood game to play when I was at home with the kids my mom babysat would have to be the Lego wars we held. It wasn't an everyday type of thing, but we always played whenever one of my friends would come over. It was me and my friend against the rest of the kids my mom had that day which were about four seven year olds when my friend and I were ten. Anyways, we would start off by building forts on the two sides of my living room. Unfortunately we weren't very fair in separating the property of fort area. The younger kids usually got the smaller section, but it wasn't smaller by much. Their fort wouldn't be that intricate,
but It worked for them. My friend and I would always make the biggest fort and most intricate planning. We had three rooms where we could hide from the aerial Lego attacks. The point was just to throw Legos at each other's fort. We would divide the Legos in half for each side to have. Basically we just threw Legos to try and pelt each other with a Lego, and dodge the rest of the Legos coming at you. I don't know why we had so much throwing Legos at each other, but it just made us all laugh at the end of the day. Eventually my mom thought the Legos were a little dangerous to throw at each other, so we modified it to soft sock wars (SSW for short). This wasn't as good as the Legos, but it still let us get our childhood angst out.

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