My favorite childhood television show was definitely Zaboomafoo. This show was about two men who lived in Animal Junction and they always called for a lemur named Zoboomafoo. Zoboomafoo would leap from tree to tree to get to the clubhouse where the two brothers would
offer him a treat that lemurs eat like mangos or garbanzo beans. Then a little cartoon would come on to show that a mystery animal is coming on to the show. Then there would be another skit by Zoboo, a character from another cartoon. They would talk about the animal on that day. Then the two brothers would go on an adventure too. They would go to Africa or India, or to whatever place the mystery animal is from. I loved this show mostly because I loved animals when I was younger. I still love animals, but unfortunately Zoboomafoo is never on anymore so I have to watch other shows. When I watched Zoboomafoo, I would get so in to the show. I would dance around with my mom as we watched it with the rest of the kids she babysat. I remember that the kids and I would have Zoboomafoo parties where we'd pretend we had our own little Zoboomafoo lemur that played with us. I know we were a little creepy, but we were young and just having fun (p.s. I know I just rhymed there). Anyways, despite the creepy pretend games I used to play, Zoboomafoo was probably my most favorite childhood T.V. show.

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