So this year's Superbowl was probably the best to date for multiple reasons. One reason was that I got to go to the Delzer house to enjoy their lovely company. I also got to see my older sister, Andrea, for the day. My parents left before us to the Delzer's house and my sister and I got there about a half an hour later. And when we got there, we were surprised by my other sister Alli. That was really exciting because she told everyone that she had to work that day and we were all really upset she couldn't come. She wasn't very stealthy about it, however. First of all, she parked the car in the middle of the driveway, so we couldn't park at all. Then when I came in the house she was standing in the hallway and tried to run and hide after I came in the house and closed the door. Despite the lame attempt to surprise me, it was still really nice to see her. Plus Alli and I pretty much chilled the entire game together, and we fell asleep on one of the chairs in the Delzer's home about five minutes before the Superbowl ended. It was a little sad, but I don't care. However, one of the greatest Superbowl moments was when I found out that my mother and I were the winners of $1000 from the Superbowl 2012 game. I actually chose the winning square that indicated the exact score of the game...NO BIG DEAL. It wasn't my greatest achievement, but it is definitely one of my top five greatest achievements. However, I'd say that when my mom actually got the money was the most exciting moment because she came into the living room where I was sitting and "made it rain" with the one thousand dollars we had won. Pretty spectacular, I know.
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