Monday, February 13, 2012
L3- Angry!
I'm not going to lie, I'm a very angry person. A lot of things and people make me very frustrated. I can't list all of them because there are too many. I've narrowed it down to the top seven things that make me angry. I'll start from number seven and work my way up. So number seven is being yelled at when I'm trying to pay attention to a Girls' Modified Basketball game. It's really upsetting when you're trying to volunteer and help out and you begin to get screamed at for starting the time two seconds late. I'm just saying there's a little, no, a lot of frustration. Anyways, the sixth thing that makes me angry is people walking in the hallway going about .01 miles an hour in front of me. Not only do they go .01 miles an hour, but they decide to stop to talk to someone in the middle of the hallway, making it impossible for me to pass them. I have things to do and places to be, and these people just make me so upset and angry. Just talking about it makes me angry, so I'll move on to number five on my anger list, which is people who turn off my computer without me know who you are...Kathleen Herter. Anyways, my next subject that makes me angry is the T.V. show Dance Moms. I wrote a blog on it titled "Dance Moms" which contains all my frustrations on the show. I'll just let you read that because writing all down would take a lot of space on this blog. So, number three on my anger list is when people say "funner" and "funnest." It is definitely not "funner" and "funnest." it is "more fun" and "most fun." That is more of a pet peeve than anything, but it still really irritates me. Alright, so I never used to be this angry. I think when I started driving, I began to release more anger at people. This brings me to number two on my list which is other people driving. I just can't stand the little things people do when they drive, like not turning their turn signals on or people passing me in a 30 mph zone going 65 mph. Again there are other things on driving, but it would take me forever to write them all down. And now to the number one item on my list that just makes my skin crawl with rage: Brian Stoldt. Now this blog is already past 400 words, so I'll write a blog dedicated to the one thing that makes me more angry than anything. So you can read my choice blog titled "Continuation of L3!"
L2- Megh Scared!
I, like most people, have a couple things and events that I fear. I'd say about six major fears, but there are probably more, and I just can't think of any more. These fears are not in any particular order either. They're all equally creepy. I don't have the usual fears, like spiders or heights, but I do not like giant bugs. Now, by giant I mean larger than a thumb tack. I just don't like the thought of bugs crawling around me. I am also afraid of This stands for Rodents Of Unusual Size. Again, large things that are meant to be small, crawling around just freak me out. My third fear would be frogs. I hate frogs. They're so gross and slimy and it's just creepy how they sound and look. I think this fear dates back to my youth when my mom, Liz Breyer, would have the kids she babysat play out by the pond in our backyard. There were a lot of frogs in our pond so my mom would host frog races. Well, one time, my older sister, Andi, was being pretty mean and decided to put a frog down the back of my shirt and laugh as I screamed in disgust. That was pretty rough. Anyways, I also have a fear of the flying monkeys in the play, The Wizard of Oz. I just really don't like monkeys. I don't think they're cute at all. Their faces look too close to human faces and they look like really hairy, creepy humans. And whoever decided to put wings on them was just weird. Anyways, I also fear be buried alive. I think that's pretty self- explanatory. And I also have Luposlipaphobia, or the fear of being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table while wearing socks on a newly-waxed floor. No Big Deal.
L1- Superbowl 2012

So this year's Superbowl was probably the best to date for multiple reasons. One reason was that I got to go to the Delzer house to enjoy their lovely company. I also got to see my older sister, Andrea, for the day. My parents left before us to the Delzer's house and my sister and I got there about a half an hour later. And when we got there, we were surprised by my other sister Alli. That was really exciting because she told everyone that she had to work that day and we were all really upset she couldn't come. She wasn't very stealthy about it, however. First of all, she parked the car in the middle of the driveway, so we couldn't park at all. Then when I came in the house she was standing in the hallway and tried to run and hide after I came in the house and closed the door. Despite the lame attempt to surprise me, it was still really nice to see her. Plus Alli and I pretty much chilled the entire game together, and we fell asleep on one of the chairs in the Delzer's home about five minutes before the Superbowl ended. It was a little sad, but I don't care. However, one of the greatest Superbowl moments was when I found out that my mother and I were the winners of $1000 from the Superbowl 2012 game. I actually chose the winning square that indicated the exact score of the game...NO BIG DEAL. It wasn't my greatest achievement, but it is definitely one of my top five greatest achievements. However, I'd say that when my mom actually got the money was the most exciting moment because she came into the living room where I was sitting and "made it rain" with the one thousand dollars we had won. Pretty spectacular, I know.
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