My favorite season, according to my title, is fall. I think it's the perfect time of the year because it's not extremely hot and it's never freezing cold. It always has the perfect weather because I can just wear a t-shirt with jeans and be completely comfortable. However, I can also wear sweatpants and be completely okay. Well, I wear sweatpants every day of the year, but in summer, I get really hot and end up changing into shorts. Then I have to wear two pairs of sweatpants in the winter because it gets so cold at my house because we have no heat. It's pretty horrible, but I get by. Despite the weather and the clothing I get to wear, I really love the leaves and how they change colors. Just yesterday I saw a giant row of trees and there was just one in the middle of all of them turning bright red underneath. I just think it's so pretty to watch all the trees change color from day to day. However, these color changes also mean that the leaves will fall soon, which leads to me raking leaves. It isn't very fun, but I love jumping in the leaves afterwards. But then I realize I have to rake all the leaves up again since I jumped in them. Well, that idea was a fail. Anyways, fall is my favorite season mostly because of the scenery and the color changing leaves. It's also a time to prepare for the winter and the cold weather. Although it isn't freezing cold, fall weather kind of starts off the cold weather, but it isn't too harsh of weather. It prepares you for the really cold weather in fall by being just a little chilly at first then turning into the really cold weather in the wintertime.
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