I think that bullying is completely unnecessary and unwanted. This story about Jamey makes me cringe, and it makes me embarrased to see that people are still so ignorant. Just because some people are different doesn't give others the right to tear that person down and make them feel alone. I also hate how people think that gay people choose to love people from their own gender. It's not like they choose to like the same gender to make other people uncomfortable. They can't help how they feel and they should'nt be bullied for what they believe and who they love. This is a particularly touchy subject for me becasue my oldest sister is gay. My family was very accepting and approving of her and I would never make fun of her or stop talking to her because of who she loves. My sister realized she was gay when she was in college so she didn't have to deal with the harsh environment of high school bullying, however she still gets ridiculed when she walks around with her girlfriend. Even if nothing is said to her, the looks she gets are just unacceptable to me. If anyone ever tried to hurt or bully my sister, I would do anything to protect her, minus killing someone...well...just kidding, but seriously I will always protect my sister even if she's older than me. I just can't stand how these poor kids are treated because they are really great kids and if those jerks would take the time to know these kids, they'd realize that they are just like everyone else and that who they love shouldn't single them out as gays and lesbians and outsiders. They have the right to love who they want to love and they shouldn't be singled out for what they feel.