As Bartholomew lay sleeping in his nautical themed room, he can't help but think about the day of fun and enjoyment that will occur. He looked at the clock on his nightstand, next to the picture frame of himself and his father and mother out on the docks where their family's boat, titled Carpe Dium, stay all night long. The clock read eleven o' clock. Bart was so excited that he couldn't keep his eyes closed for more than five minutes. So he tried to think of the upcoming day. He thought about the sun's rays shining down on him, warming every inch of his face. Then the cooling breeze that begins as the boat rushes forward, as if trying to reach the open waters as quick as possible, refreshes the sun's harsh embrace. This combination of hot and cold helped Bart close his eyes and helped him fall asleep...for now.
Four hours
Bart awoke once again, and this time he looked at the clock to see that it is only two o' clock in the morning. He didn't know what else to think about to get him to sleep. Unfortunately, the only memory Bart could think of was his last few moments with his mother. Bart remembered her short white hair as it moved in the wind while the boat was in motion. Then he recalled the hospital bed where she laid the last few days she was alive. This thought stimulated his memory of her monitor buzzing one of the most depressing noises imaginable. This put Bart back to sleep, in tears.
Five minutes
The excitement in Bart's eyes as he lifted his tired lids from a few hours of sleep almost jumped out of his head. He rubbed his eyes and cried a little. This time, last year, was when his mother would walk into his room, sit on the bed, and place her hand, lovingly, on his head to wake him up. It has been pretty difficult for Bart and his father to cope with their loss. They used to go boating together, as a family. Then the door opened suddenly and Bart's father walked in to see Bart in tears. His father quickly went to Bart and hugged him. They both cried a little more but realized that she wouldn't want them to cry over her, when there was a boat on the docks and a sea of exploration just waiting for them. They knew exactly what she would say if she saw them like this; "Boys, let's seize the day!"